In fact, the common processing of the power supply plastic shell mainly includes the female mold with variable cavity composed o…… MORE
Spraying coatings of common colors on the plastic shell can enrich the color of the plastic shell, meet the needs of different c…… MORE
In the injection molding industry, the plastic shell has a certain shrinkage after molding, which will be analyzed from four asp…… MORE
As we all know, temperature is a very important factor in the whole process of the injection molding factory, and its level will…… MORE
醫療器械外殼的加工工藝是鈑金技術(shù)人員需要掌握的關(guān)鍵技術(shù),也是鈑金制品成形的重要工序。醫療器械外殼的加工步驟有加工基礎、切割下料、彎曲加工、滾壓加工、局部加工、加工設備和新工藝等。 從加工的基本原理、工藝流程、以及使用材料開(kāi)始,醫療器械外殼是由生產(chǎn)中的實(shí)際零件、典型部件和常用設備,通過(guò)沖孔、沖裁以及熔切、拉……
MORE我們在加工塑膠外殼的時(shí)候,經(jīng)常會(huì )出現一些問(wèn)題,其中之一就是開(kāi)裂。眾所周知,開(kāi)裂的主要原因是應力變形,而應力主要可以分為殘余應力、外部應力和外部環(huán)境引起的應力變形。因此,要解決塑膠外殼加工中的開(kāi)裂問(wèn)題,注塑模具廠(chǎng)需要從解決應力入手。 1、殘余應力引起的開(kāi)裂 殘余應力主要由以下三種情況引起,即過(guò)充、脫?!?/p> MORE
在注塑模具加工中模具鑲件的應用較為廣泛,不只在前模和后模中可以看到鑲件的應用,而且在滑塊和斜頂中也可以應用到鑲件。那么鑲件在注塑模具加工中到底有什么樣的作用呢? 1、便于注塑模具的加工和維修 注塑模具的制造工藝相當比較復雜,在加工過(guò)程中,經(jīng)常會(huì )遇到一些結構復雜、形狀特殊的零件,這些零件加工較為困難,……
MORE塑膠模具加工是指塑膠成型和塑膠制坯工具的加工,它是由上模和下模兩部分組成的,塑膠模具加工的特點(diǎn)有: 1、多工序。在塑膠模具加工中,經(jīng)常會(huì )用到銑、鏜、鉆、鉸、攻螺絲等多種工序。 2、批量制造小。塑膠模具不是大批量成批生產(chǎn)制造的,在許多情況下,只需要制造一對塑膠模具就能夠完成所需要加工的產(chǎn)品。 ……
MORE廢料本質(zhì)上是形狀孔的反面圖像。也就是說(shuō),同樣的位置在相反的位置。通過(guò)檢查廢料,塑膠外殼模具可以判斷上下模具的間隙是否正確。 如果塑膠外殼模具的間隙過(guò)大,廢料會(huì )呈現粗糙、起伏的斷裂表面和狹窄的亮帶區域。塑膠外殼模具間隙越大,斷裂形成的角度越大,亮帶的面積越大。如果間隙過(guò)小,則廢料將呈現出來(lái)的小角度的斷裂表面……
MOREThe power supply plastic shell has been quite active in our life. Take our common mobile phone charger shell as an example, its …… MORE
What should be considered when choosing a manufacturer for injection molding? Injection molding products are used in many fields…… MORE
(1) Geometry and accuracy. The geometric dimension of the blister shell includes the dimension from the cutting surface to the f…… MORE